Views on Oracy among NQTs
In his article "Call for teachers to learn about oracy" - , Martin George, writing for TES said
"Asked whether teachers need to learn more about oracy, Geoff Barton, general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, said: “The question is a good one and the answer is ‘yes’”.
We recently ran a Workshop for Final Year Primary PGCE Students titled "Confidence, Presence and Engagement in the Classroom and Beyond" covering some key Oracy skills. I thought the results of the post session questionnaire are interesting in the light of Geoff Barton's views - There is a definite consensus that Oracy skills are important across those now entering the profession albeit a small sample size. Here are the results:
Session Questionnaire Results
Question 1. How useful did you find this session for your OWN general teaching skills development?

Question 2. If there had been a VOLUNTARY Oracy module available in your course, how likely are you to have taken it?

Question 3. As an NQT would you like further CPD in YOUR PERSONAL Oracy Skills?

Question 4. How important is TEACHING Oracy Skills to
Primary School children?

Question 5. In comparison to other elements of your teacher training course, how important is it to train PGCE students to TEACH Oracy Skills

Question 6. How effective do you think a Webinar format would be for CPD on Oracy Skills?

Question 7. As an NQT, how useful would you find a discussion forum on Oracy Skills?

Further Feedback and Comments
“Found the session very engaging and beneficial. Thank you!”
“Was amazing and really enjoyable! Some really helpful advice for me to take on board.”
“Really enjoyable engaging session. Thank you!”
“Amazing! Recognised issues like body language previously but never discussed it in such depth. Thank you.”
“Very engaging and informative. Thank you”
“Very engaging. Great strategies to take away.”
“Very good workshop!”
“Very useful. Thank you”
“Interactive opportunities were useful. Mimi was very engaging”
“Loved the interactive element of the session.”
“The session was very stimulating and engaging”