The Oracy Hub Programme provides a school with the resources to support the teaching of Oracy Skills to children of all abilities; it is a powerful combination of Class Videos, Teacher Coaching Videos and Written Lesson Plans to enable teachers of all levels of experience to confidently deliver the programme.
SPEAKY: Speaking Skills for Children
Full School Programme​ - £2000 + VAT unlimited access for 12 months
Really build children's confidence with this full programme of Oracy Skills teaching points, including debating skills, for children of all abilities. It consists of 14 short fun videos, to develop the speaking skills of 9-14 year olds . The children watch the videos and then participate in exercises led by the class teacher, or parent. The resource can either be delivered as a series of specific lessons or incorporated into other subjects.
In addition to the Class Videos, the resource includes exercises, lesson plans and 6 Coaching Videos for teachers to ensure they have the skills to effectively lead the sessions and build effective communication skills in the children.
Buy the Course now for £2400 for 12 months unlimited access: any number of children, any number of lessons, so lessons can be repeated with as many classes and groups as needed and referred back to at any time over the course of the year's subscription.

Listening Well
Sample Video - Listening Well